Real Estate Success Cases

Success Case: Foreclosure Defense

A client of ours was able to keep their house because they came to us early in their financial difficulties. Most clients wait until it is too late and there run into problems that then become much more difficult and costly.

Our client, a public service worker and union member, was referred to us by a friend, when they confided that their spouse had lost his job and that they would have to start seriously cutting back on their expenses, including possibly not being able to pay the mortgage.

When this person came to us and explained the situation, we explained how difficult it actually can be for a bank to foreclose, and how they really do not want to foreclose, and as the process is complex and if they do it wrong it works for our clients. By hiring us, we would tell them what to do and how to do it, so that they could be more informed and in a better position than the bank employees who are the “professionals.”

Due to our process and advice, the client was able to stay in their home and renegotiate a better rate over a longer term, with no additional fees, which allowed them to stay in their home with no additional headache. This they did because they were proactive and did not hide their heads in the sand.

Civil Litigation Success Cases

Civil Law Success Case: Breach of Contract

Recently we helped a business owner resolve an issue with a customer and recover over $40,000.00 in receivables. We had written the original contract that was in place, and we used strong language that put our client in a position that limited their risk in the event that a client tried to walk away from their obligation to our client.

This particular client of ours has a very specialized business that requires them to put money up front for a customized product that then build for each specific client. The client is a part of the manufacturing and production process and so the contract is written in such a way as to ensure, that if our client follows the proper procedure, that their customer is completely responsible for any failures in the design process.

Our client is only responsible for the actual manufacturing process which is wholly under their control. In this way, our client’s financial and reputational risk can be mitigated.

When their customer withheld payment due to a the finalized product “not meeting their needs”, we were able to demonstrate that all parties had followed the contract, and if their representation of the facts was the truth, then they had actually put themselves in breach of contract. Opposing counsel saw the weak position of their argument and their client paid ours with us having to even draft a complaint.

Family/Matrimonial Success Cases

Postnuptial Agreement Success Case

Sometimes the need for legal help in a marriage is not because of a problem, but rather because of something good.

In this case, Spouse A had just formed a new business partnership that had a very specific shareholder agreement between the spouse and the other partners. There was a desire to ensure that the partner’s spouses received a benefit in the event that their spouse, who was a partner in the business, died, but that such a benefit did not impact the long-term ownership of the business.

Due to the way that the contract was written up, there was a requirement that all partners who were married signed a postnuptial, and those who were not married would need to sign a prenuptial.

In the case of our client, we walked Spouse B through the agreement, and why and how it would benefit them. Marriage is more than a meeting of souls and love. It is also an economic relationship, and it is important to understand how the relationship impacts you. This agreement also allowed the spouses of all the partners to share in the benefits of the business relationship, without be exposed to the risks of having ownership in the business.

Child Support Family Law FAQs Matrimonial Uncategorized

What happens in a divorce?

There are five steps to a divorce and 7 things to consider before you even file or respond to your spouses request for a divorce.

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Civil Litigation FAQs

Can the person I am suing strike back at me?

Civil Litigation FAQs

Do I have to show up in court?

Civil Litigation FAQs

I am a witness, or I am being deposed, do I need my own attorney? Do I have to pay the fees?

Civil Litigation FAQs

What is a deposition?

Civil Litigation FAQs

What is the process of a lawsuit?

Civil Litigation FAQs

How long does it take to file a lawsuit?